The work of Stephanie Dedalus (the artistic practice of Mengtong Zhang) repairs a certain subjecthood found in existing objects to enquire how subjective experience twists objective reality. Scorched by the ideal and the unattainable, her soliloquy scrutinises tragicomic self-reflexivity attempting to inscribe new knowledge to the cannibalised residues of our consumed, fetishised, and traded time.


The Confidential, 2024
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
40 x 30 cm

The Man Who Thought He Was A Hat, 2024
Oil on Canvas
190 x 160 cm

Is Vanitas a Mystery, a Misery, or a Lie?, 2024
Oil on canvas
175 x 135 cm

Human Error (Knowledge), 2024
Oil on cotton
180 x 130 cm

Funnel of Love, 2024
Oil on cotton
140 x 85 cm

Lucid Dreamer, 2023
Oil and mixed media on cotton
40 x 30 cm